Tooth Whitening ... What Works, What Doesn't

It's probably safe to say that just about everyone wants a bright white smile, but yellowing or even grayish teeth are not unusual, and especially as a person ages. There are many tooth whitening products on the market, and they all usually promise to restore your teeth to a beautiful white shade, and may all say that they're safe to use. However, it's good to look past the sales hype and consider what really works and what doesn't, and what might be less than safe, when it comes to whitening your teeth.


Whitening strips are typically less than effective, as they don't hold much bleach or other whitening ingredients. They may also only cover the very surface of the teeth and then tend to slide around after being applied, so the bleaching agent they do provide may not penetrate teeth very well, and then won't make much difference in their colour.

Baking soda and peroxide

Baking soda can scrub the outer layers of teeth better than a soft toothpaste, and this can help make teeth look whiter. Peroxide might also bleach the surface of teeth. However, the abrasiveness of baking soda can make it somewhat dangerous to use all the time, as this can wear away tooth enamel. Both baking soda and peroxide can also dry the mouth, and dry mouth can mean more germs and bacteria clinging to teeth, which can lead to tooth decay.


Bleaching gels you get at the store can have some effectiveness, as the gel is thick and not likely to just wear off, but this effectiveness depends on the gel itself and how it's applied. Brushing on the gel can mean that it gets diluted by your saliva, so then it doesn't sit on teeth long enough to make a difference. Gels that are put in trays which you slide over the teeth can be more effective, as the tray holds the gel in place and doesn't let it get as diluted by your saliva.

Dental bleaching

Seeing your dentist for a bleaching is usually the best choice for whitening your teeth. Your dentist will apply a safe bleach that penetrates the tooth surface, and may also shine a special light on the teeth after the gel application, to help that bleach break down surface stains and penetrate the tooth. If your dentist cannot properly address stains and discoloration, he or she may also be able to simply paint the teeth or apply a veneer to the front.

For more tips on tooth whitening option, click here!

About Me

Dealing with Dental Braces

Yo! My name is Sarah. I live in Syndey, Australia. A couple of years ago, I was fitted with dental braces. I was 21 years old at the time and I hated the idea of wearing braces. However, my dentist was really good at explaining why it was a good idea to have the treatment. It felt a little strange at first but as time went by, I got used to wearing my braces. On follow-up visits, my dentist would check that I had been properly cleaning and caring for my braces. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to other brace wearers.



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