Why Would You Need a Mouth Guard If You Don't Actually Play Sports?

You might think you don't need a mouth guard if you don't play sports. After all, you have no intention of stepping onto a rugby field or into a boxing ring in the foreseeable future, so what's the point of a mouth guard? Mouth guards are there to protect your teeth, and although contact sports might be the most logical example of when your teeth will benefit from some extra protection, this isn't the only time. When you have invested some money in your teeth, they may need some extra protection when you're not able to pay attention. 


Perhaps it sounds strange to think that there will be times of the day when you're not able to give your teeth the protection they need. But there are around eight hours per day when this could be a concern, namely when you sleep. If you have any sort of dental restoration applied to your teeth, primarily veneers, dental crowns, or dental implants, you might want to consider a mouth guard to be worn at night. But how will it help?

Your Night Guard

An overnight mouth guard is generally referred to as a night guard. It usually only covers your upper teeth and prevents your upper and lower dental arches from grinding together while you sleep. The guard permits the even distribution of bite pressure and prevents excessive or abnormal friction from being applied to your teeth while you sleep. This is a useful device for those who are prone to grinding their teeth, but even when this isn't a conspicuous problem, it can be beneficial for anyone with dental restorations. Why is this the case?

Extra Protection

Dental restorations are essentially an addition to your teeth. Veneers involve a thin sliver of porcelain applied to the outward-facing surface of your teeth, whereas dental crowns fully encase certain teeth. A mouth guard simply prevents these restorations from experiencing excessive friction, which preserves them and prolongs their effectiveness. It's simply a way of making your restorations last as long as possible, while still looking as pristine as possible. It's a way of protecting your investment.

A Customised Guard

It's possible to purchase a night guard online or at any pharmacy, but given the amount of money and time that has gone into your dental work, you're better off having your dentist make a guard just for your teeth. This ensures the best possible (and most comfortable) fit while also utilising the most appropriate material for your specific needs. 

A night guard is by no means mandatory after dental restoration work, but since you might not necessarily know if you grind your teeth overnight, it's best to avoid the potential for you to wear down your restoration work at a time when you would otherwise be powerless to stop it.

About Me

Dealing with Dental Braces

Yo! My name is Sarah. I live in Syndey, Australia. A couple of years ago, I was fitted with dental braces. I was 21 years old at the time and I hated the idea of wearing braces. However, my dentist was really good at explaining why it was a good idea to have the treatment. It felt a little strange at first but as time went by, I got used to wearing my braces. On follow-up visits, my dentist would check that I had been properly cleaning and caring for my braces. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to other brace wearers.



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