8 Ways That Invisalign Differs From Traditional Braces

Invisalign braces and traditional braces differ in many ways. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, you might be unsure of which treatment type is most suitable for you. To ensure you choose what works best for you, it helps to understand the main differences between the two treatments first.

1. Invisalign Is Removable

Once traditional braces are in place, you can't remove them. But you can remove an Invisalign aligner whenever you need to. But bear in mind that removing an aligner for too long will set back your treatment time.

2. Invisalign Is Discreet

Traditional braces are clearly visible. Invisalign aligners are difficult to spot while you are wearing them because they are made of clear, medical-grade plastic.

3. Invisalign Is Best for Mild to Moderate Cases

If you have severely crooked teeth, Invisalign might not work for you. Metal braces are more effective at moving teeth through bone to their desired positions.

4. Invisalign Is Easy to Clean

Traditional braces require time and patience to clean thoroughly because food lodges in them. You can remove your Invisalign braces whenever you eat or whenever you need to clean them.  

5. Invisalign Doesn't Interfere With Oral Hygiene

You can remove your Invisalign aligners before you brush your teeth. This means your oral hygiene sessions won't be affected in any way by your treatment. Traditional braces will make brushing and flossing your teeth a more time consuming and difficult process.

6. Invisalign Is Gentler on Oral Tissues

At first, the soft tissues of your mouth, such as your gums, cheeks and lips, may suffer while you get used to your traditional braces. This is due to the metal of the braces rubbing against your oral tissues as you speak and eat. Invisalign is softer and if you feel discomfort, you can remove an aligner to give your mouth a break.

7. Invisalign Requires Fewer Dental Visits

With Invisalign, your dentist will send your aligners to you for each stage of the treatment process. But with traditional braces, you'll need to visit your orthodontist regularly to have your braces readjusted for each stage. This means that with traditional braces, you'll spend more time visiting your dentist.

8. Invisalign Aligners Can Stain

Traditional braces won't stain very easily. But Invisalign aligners will stain if you drink and eat with them in your mouth.

These are the main differences between traditional braces and Invisalign. Be sure to keep them in mind when choosing an appropriate orthodontic treatment for your teeth.

About Me

Dealing with Dental Braces

Yo! My name is Sarah. I live in Syndey, Australia. A couple of years ago, I was fitted with dental braces. I was 21 years old at the time and I hated the idea of wearing braces. However, my dentist was really good at explaining why it was a good idea to have the treatment. It felt a little strange at first but as time went by, I got used to wearing my braces. On follow-up visits, my dentist would check that I had been properly cleaning and caring for my braces. I decided to start this blog to offer advice to other brace wearers.



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